Hiilipiirrostytöstä tykkään, tein sen nopeasti odotellessa
siinä nainen on hyvinkin viettelevän näköinen,
omastani tuli hieman surullinen ja varautunut tyttö. Tykkään
siitä ehkä siksi jopa enemmän.
Tausta ja tytön hiukset ovat 'rouheat' ja se johtuu aiemmista pilalle menneistä kokeiluista (noin kolme kokeilua :)), joiden päälle lopulta sutaisin gessoa.
I've managed to finish my first ever art journal, others I've started and left that way. As I look through the pages I have certain theme, girls :). I'm getting more confident on drawing them and these are all fast ones, sketches.
Above I've many many different tries of techniques and finally I finished it by drawing girls and journaling around them.
The one on the right is my favorite so far. I picked it from L'oreal bottle and woman on that is seductive and self -confident, my girl looks little sad and uncertain of herself. Or scared. Anyways, I like her, she has character to my eyes.
Now I can start a new journal :)!