perjantai 3. lokakuuta 2014

What does the fox say?

There are at least few songs about the fox sayings, one of those it says nothing but my fox says 'Seek happiness' :).

I found another new (new for me) challenge blog Try it on tuesday and they challenge you to do something including 'Animals', pets or wild ones.

My choice is foxes and these are just so cute!! While making this altered book, I was so caught up by my work that I didn't realize how long I just sat and glued the pieces and papers,adding color here and there... This was so much fun that 'Ma when you read this, please let me have every old book you have'!

No chatting anymore, please welcome my altered book foxes inspired by 'Gorjuss' on Docrafts Creativity magazine.

Whole book
Right side
Fox on the right side
Another fox on the right side

Owls against the night sky
Fox girl on the left side

Left side fox

Another fox on the left side


I used lots of different dies, Gorjuss stamps, another stamps, spray inks,
homemade glimmer mist (pics doesn't show it, it's used on the sky
and the stars), glossy accent, ribbons, flowers etc.

Tämä kettutyttö ja eläimet on tehty Try it on tuesday-haasteeseen, jossa aiheena on eläimet, käykää ihmeessä tutustumassa.

Nämä kaikki on tehty vanhaan pienikokoiseen kirjaan ja tämän tekeminen oli todella hauskaa eli äiti, kun luet tämän, säästä mulle kaikki loputkin kirjat :-)!

15 kommenttia:

  1. Delightful creation with many beautiful details. Thank you for sharing it with us at TioT:)

  2. Aivan ihana kirja! Säästetään!

  3. Fab work and thanks for your kind comments on my blog !!

  4. this is really wonderful with so much to look at and those foxes are bewitching, thank you for sharing at TIOT.EE

  5. Oih, tämä on aivan ihana. Tämä on oivallinen lahjaidea.

    1. Kiitos Noksu! Tätä on niin kiva katsella, kun tarvitsen inspiraatiota tai pakoa arjesta :-).

  6. Hieno idea! Ja kaunis lopputulos :-)

    1. Kiitos Mervi :). Ideaa en voi omakseni ottaa, mutta parhaat ideathan tulevat usein muualta.


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